At the right spot, at the right time.
Prompt Parking is a full-service parking site leasing, management, and maintenance company. We operate residential/commercial facilities across New York and New Jersey. Since 1991, we’ve driven high-revenue traffic to our client sites, while offering a reliable parking network to our subscribed user base.
Witnessing the parking struggle
Prompt’s leadership hails from many years in residential property management. We always saw how parking created a common issue for both owners and tenants, and recognized that someone would come along and build the right bridge between the two. So we came along and did just that.
Finding a place for everyone
Different users have different needs: Some need car parking for the day, while others look to park their vehicles on a monthly/annual basis. Our focus is on offering the right location, facility, spot and support to each user, so they know their vehicle is in the right hands. And at their fingertips.
Putting it all on automatic
The average building owner doesn’t have a minute to spare in their hectic day. Prompt Parking promises a seamless, autonomous experience. Your facility is properly managed, maintained and maximized—without you lifting a finger. Leave it up to our experts, and expect the checks in the mail.
You’re still in the driver’s seat
Client or user, you remain in control
Access to Your
Scheduling &
Parking Allowances
Performance &
Parking Reports